Thursday 2 June 2011

Negative Effects

In the past, video games started off simple and did not involve any type of violence. But that has all changed now, as games have become more advanced, more violent, and more aggressive. And just like video games, the actions of children who play video games has also changed, revealing the negative aspects. These include:
  • Behavioral changes: This includes an increased level of aggression in children, and changes in attitude. The majority of studies done on the negative effects of video games in places such as the U.S. and Japan have shown an increase of aggression in children, as some children may forget what is the virtual world and what is reality, and begin to behave differently towards others. Players appear more violent and act more aggressive, as they have a tendency of imitating the actions and behaviour of characters in games such as fighting and action games. Holmes (2005) explains that children who played more violent video games rebelled against authority figures and were more likely to be involved in physical altercations with others.
  • Addiction: Children may spend a large number of hours playing a video game with an objective in their minds, may it be to try and complete certain challenges to finish the level they are currently on, beat their high score on the game, or actually try to unlock other characters or achievements by completing the game. And as these children focus more and more on the video game, they will neglect friends, family, school and even personal hygiene  
  • Decline in academic performance: Drawn in by the thrill of discovery or the opportunity to build alliances with other players, children may spend all of their spare time playing video games, and neglect their studies, thus seeing grades and enthusiasm in the classroom eventually plummet.
  • Health risks: There is a range of health issues associated with video games, including muscle and heart problems, as players will be sitting down playing video games for hours without any physical activity. This could also lead to obesity; players will be too focused on the game and will usually turn to eating junk food as a way to stay energized. Other health risks found include hyperactivity or ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder).  

1 comment:

  1. After reading all these negative effects I wanted to highlight that video games not bad its the way how we use this technology. Technology is meant to help us not to spoil rather its the way how we use it for our benefit. Its our duty to play video games for fun, for limited time and choose the right game.
